Step 2 - Loader usage
Guide on how to use the loader and have FN setup.
Last updated
Guide on how to use the loader and have FN setup.
Last updated
Make sure you have an account that is BE (Battle Eye)
To check this you have 2 options
On launching the game if you see the window below then you are not running BE, but if you launch the game and see no windows popping up and boot into game immediately then that is a good sign you are running on BE, but it is always advised to double check using the other step!
Open the game then task manager by holding down the CTRL and SHIFT and ESC(Escape)and check for the background application BEService. If you locate that service running then you are using BE and you are good to go
If not then u gotta create a new account or wait till item shop changes and relaunch game.
Follow this video:
You can decide yourself if u want V-Sync enabled / disabled.